How Technology Is Changing How One Treats Planners Singapore?
A planner is simply a pre-printed book that has pages each week of the year. A planners singapore is not designed with the page per week format, but it’s where one jot everything down, e.g., notes, ideas, receipts, etc.
What is a planner?
A planner isn’t a diary, and A diary is usually just a list of what one wrote down. A planners singapore is for keeping track of things. One writes in it because it is easier than writing on a napkin or scribbling on a scrap of paper. One remembers things better if one writes them down. Planners come in two styles. Some look like notebooks. One write in them, and underneath one write the dates, the subject, and any comments. Other planners are more like index cards. One writes on slips of paper, then sticks them in a book.
Notebooks are good because one can carry them around. One can write in them anywhere. But they are also hard to use. As one writes, one has to remember which notebook it is. One has to remember when one wrote it down. One has to sort it out later. Index cards are good for short notes but not so good for planning. One can’t carry them around because they are too small. One can’t write on them anywhere but in a book. One can’t use them in large groups. One can’t use them in a meeting. One has to remember them or put them on pieces of paper with dates.
Good for making to-do lists
Planners are good at making to-do lists and crossing things off lists. But they are not good at coping with uncertainty. Planners cannot foresee the meetings and phone calls that pop up out of nowhere. And they cannot accommodate the fact that sometimes when a task seems important, it turns out not to be. Suppose, for instance, that one is in charge of getting the seventh-graders organized early in the school year. One has to organize them in teams, assign them to class periods, and assign them to rooms.
If one has used planners before, one probably uses a spreadsheet. But a spreadsheet is not good at making to-do lists, and eighth-graders need a lot of lists. A spreadsheet is also not good at keeping track of the assignments that come in. If one prints off the assignments, one can type them up neatly in a column and add them to their spreadsheet. But the eighth-graders sometimes bring in assignments that arrive days or weeks after the assignment was due. And the assignments aren’t always neatly typed up. They are sometimes on lined paper and usually in pencil.
A planner is a good tool, but it can’t help one cope with this kind of uncertainty. The best thing it can do is make to-do lists and then let one cross them off. So, while making lists, print out the assignments in pencil or on lined paper. On the back of each one, draw an arrow pointing in the opposite direction. Then put the “unassigned” assignments somewhere safe. One’ll probably never use them during the year, but one will be glad one did if one ever needs them.